Thursday, 15 November 2012

Witty Signboards

When people hear I'm on a year off, they say "Wow that's so cool...You should enjoy your free time now... you'll never get this again..." Well, it's not all that cool. And I don't know if I ever do want this again. I'm not a person who jumps at the task in hand with full energy if given the chance to choose my own deadlines. That too with such a long time, it's really hard to be energetic all the time. Laziness doesn't chip in in my life these days, it hardly ever chips out! Though I do work on my studies everyday, there is not a day that passes without me stretching and yawning midday. Then I have to take a break and do something else.
Today, when I decided to do "something else" I stumbled upon some funny signboards. So I'm going to humour you with some of them.

This one is outside a temple in Bali. Balinese are extremely religious people. The book "Eat Pray Love" is invaluable when it comes to knowledge about Balinese traditions, and even otherwise is an insightful book.

                                              Here are some witty signs outside restaurants

Girls, I know one place you wouldn't want to go to on a date......

I strongly advocate this ad. It used to happen to me when I was little.

Creative and to-the-point. 

                                                   Quite a word of praise about the police!

                                                              This is the funniest!!

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